# Helpers

The following directives are generalized helpers in an attempt to avoid using @php and @endphp where it isn't absolutely necessary.

# @istrue

@istrue is a simple conditional that displays the specified output if the parameter passed exists and returns true. It can be closed using @endistrue.

  Hello World

Alternatively, you can pass the output as a second parameter:

@istrue($variable, 'Hello World')

# @isfalse

@isfalse is a simple conditional that displays the specified output if the parameter passed exists but returns false. It can be closed using @endisfalse.

  Goodbye World

Alternatively, you can pass the output as a second parameter:

@isfalse($variable, 'Goodbye World')

# @isnull

@isnull is a simple conditional that displays the specified output if the parameter passed is null. It can be closed using @endisnull.

  There is nothing here.

Alternatively, you can pass the output as a second parameter:

@isnull($variable, 'There is nothing here.')

# @isnotnull

@isnotnull is a simple conditional that displays the specified output if the parameter passed exists and is not null. It can be closed using @endisnotnull.

  There is something here.

Alternatively, you can pass the output as a second parameter:

@isnotnull($variable, 'There is something here.')

# @notempty

@notempty is a simple conditional that displays the specified output if the parameter passed exists and is not empty. It can be closed using @endnotempty.

  There is something here.

Alternatively, you can pass the output as a second parameter:

@notempty($variable, 'There is something here.')

# @instanceof

@instanceof checks if the first parameter is an instance of the second parameter. It can be closed using @endinstanceof.

@instanceof($post, 'WP_Post')
  The post ID is {{ $post->ID }}.

# @typeof

@typeof checks if the first parameter is of a specified type. It can be closed using @endtypeof.

@typeof(14, 'integer')
  This is a whole number.

# @global

@global globals the specified variable.


# @set

@set sets the specifed variable to a specified value.

@set($hello, 'world')

# @unset

@unset unsets the specified variable.


# @extract

@extract extracts the passed array into variables. This can be useful for making views customizable when passing parameters to @include but also having default values set within' the view.

// single.blade.php
@include('components.entry-meta', [
  'author' => false,
  'date'   => true,

// entry-meta.blade.php
  'author' => $author ?? true,
  'date'   => $date   ?? true

@if ($author)

@if ($date)

# @implode

@implode echo's a string containing a representation of each element within' the array passed to it with a glue string between each element.

@implode(', ' ['dog', 'cat', 'mouse', 'snake'])
// dog, cat, mouse, snake

# @repeat

@repeat repeats its contents a specified number of times. It can be closed using @endrepeat.

    <li>{{ $loop->iteration }}</li>

Similar to Laravel's native looping, a $loop variable is available inside of @repeat:

  @if ($loop->first)
    This is the first iteration.

  @if ($loop->last)
    This is the last iteration.

  This is iteration {{ $loop->iteration }} out of $loop->count.
  There are {{ $loop->remaining }} iterations left.
  The current iteration index is {{ $loop->index }}

# @stylesheet

@stylesheet allows you to quickly inline a block of CSS or define a path to a stylesheet. When being used for inline CSS, it can be closed using @endstyle.

  .button {
    background-color: LightGreen;
    color: white;
    padding: 0.75rem 1rem;


# @script

@script allows you to quickly inline a block of Javascript or define a path to a script. When being used for inline JS, it can be closed using @endscript.

  console.log('Hello World')


# @js

@js allows you to declare inline Javascript variables similar to wp_add_inline_script() (opens new window). The passed value can be in the form of a string or an array.

@js('hello', 'world')

// <script>
//   window.hello = 'world';
// </script>

# @inline

@inline loads the contents of a CSS, JS, or HTML file inline into your view and wraps the content with the proper HTML tag depending on the file extension. By default, the path is set to your current theme directory.
