The following directives are for use with Advanced Custom Fields. If ACF is not installed and activated, they will not be initialized.

# @field

@field echo's the specified field using get_field().


To echo a field for a specific post, you can pass a post ID as a second parameter:

@field('text', 1)

If the field you are echoing is an array, you can pass the array key as a second parameter:

@field('image', 'url')

To echo a field for a specific post that is also an array, you can pass the post ID as a third parameter:

@field('image', 'url', 1)

# @hasfield

@hasfield is a simple conditional checking if the specified field exists and is not empty. It can be closed using @endfield.


To check the existance of a field for a specific post, you can pass a post ID as a second parameter:

@hasfield('list', 5)
    @fields('list', 5)

If the field you are checking against is an array, you can pass the array key as a second parameter:

@hasfield('image', 'url')
  <figure class="image">
    <img src="@field('image', 'url')" alt="@field('image', 'alt')" />

To check the existance of a field that is an array for a specific post, you can pass the array key as a second parameter and the post ID as a third parameter:

@hasfield('image', 'url', 1)
  <figure class="image">
    <img src="@field('image', 'url', 1)" alt="@field('image', 'alt', 1)" />

# @isfield

@isfield is a simple conditional for checking if your field value equals a specified value. It can be closed using @endfield.

@isfield('cta_type', 'phone')
  <i class="fas fa-phone"></i>

To check the field value of a specific post, you can pass a post ID as a third parameter:

@isfield('cta_type', 'phone', 1)
  <i class="fas fa-phone"></i>

If the field you are checking against is an array, you can pass the array key as a second parameter and the value you are checking against as a third parameter:

@isfield('cta', 'type', 'phone')
  <i class="fas fa-phone"></i>

To check the field value of a field that is an array for a specific post, you can pass the array key as a second parameter, the value you are checking against as a third parameter, and the post ID as a fourth parameter:

@isfield('cta', 'type', 'phone', 1)
  <i class="fas fa-phone"></i>

# @fields

@fields acts as a helper for handling repeater fields. It is wrapped with a have_rows() (opens new window) conditional, and if it exists and is not empty, begins the while loop followed by the_row(). It can be closed using @endfields.


To retrieve fields for a specific post, you can pass a post ID as a second parameter:

  @fields('list', 1)

# @hasfields

@hasfields is a simple conditional checking if a parent field (such as Repeater or Flexible Content) has any rows of data to loop over. It can be closed using @endhasfields


To check the existance of a parent field (such as Repeater or Flexible Content) for a specific post, you can pass a post ID as a second parameter:

@hasfields('lists', 5)
        @fields('list', 5)

# @sub

@sub echo's the specified sub field using get_sub_field() (opens new window). It is to be used inside of repeatable fields such as @fields, @layout, @group, and @options.


If the sub field is an array, you can pass the key(s) as additional parameters:

<ul class="slider">
    <li class="slide">
      <img src="@sub('image', 'url')" alt="@sub('image', 'alt')" />
<ul class="slider">
    <li class="slide">
      <img src="@sub('image', 'sizes', 'thumbnail')" alt="@sub('image', 'alt')" />

More usage of @sub can be found alongside the examples of the repeatable fields listed above.

# @hassub

@hassub is a simple conditional checking if the specified field exists and is not empty. It can be closed using @endsub.

  <i class="fas fa-@sub('icon')"></i>

If the sub field you are checking against is an array, you can pass the key(s) as additional parameters:

@hassub('image', 'url')
  <img src="@sub('image', 'url')" alt="@sub('image', 'alt')" />
@hassub('image', 'sizes', 'thumbnail')
  <img src="@sub('image', 'sizes', 'thumbnail')" alt="@sub('image', 'alt')" />

# @issub

@issub is a simple conditional for checking if your sub field equals a specified value. It can be closed using @endsub.

@issub('icon', 'arrow')
  <i class="fas fa-arrow-up fa-rotate-90"></i>

If the sub field you are checking against is an array, you can pass the array key as a second parameter and the value you are checking against as a third parameter:

@issub('icon', 'name', 'arrow')
  <i class="fas fa-@sub('icon', 'value') fa-rotate-90"></i>

# @layouts

@layouts acts as a helper for handling flexible content fields. Under the hood, it is essentially the exact same as @fields, but is provided to allow for a more clean, readable code-base in conjunction with @layout which calls get_row_layout(). It can be closed using @endlayouts.


To retrieve layouts for a specific post, you can pass a post ID as a second parameter:

@layouts('components', 1)

# @layout

@layout serves as a conditional checking if get_row_layout() equals the specified value during the have_rows() while loop.

Using @layouts, this allows you to have a rather clean view when displaying your flexible content components. It can be closed using @endlayout.

    <div class="card">
        <div class="card-image">
          <img src="@sub('image', 'url')" alt="@sub('image', 'alt')" />

      <div class="card-content">

      <a href="@sub('url')" class="button button--@sub('color') button--@sub('size')">
          <i class="fa fa-@sub('icon')"></i>

      <div class="content">

# @group

@group acts as a helper for handling grouped fields. Under the hood, it is essentially the exact same as @fields and thus serves as a simple alias for code readability purposes. Which one you prefer is entirely up to you. It can be closed using @endgroup.

    <a href="@sub('url')" class="button button--@sub('color')">

To retrieve a group for a specific post, you can pass a post ID as a second parameter:

@group('button', 1)
    <a href="@sub('url')" class="button button--@sub('color')">

# @option

@option echo's the specified theme options field using get_field($field, 'option').

Find us on <a href="@option('facebook_url')" target="_blank">Facebook</a>

If the option is an array, you can pass the key as a second parameter:

<div class="navbar-brand">
  <a class="navbar-item" href="{{ home_url() }}">
    <img src="@option('logo', 'url')" alt="{{ get_bloginfo('name', 'display') }}" />

# @hasoption

@hasoption is a simple conditional checking if the specified theme option field exists and is not empty. It can be closed using @endoption.

  Find us on <a href="@option('facebook_url')" target="_blank">Facebook</a>

If the option you are checking against is an array, you can pass the array key as a second parameter:

@hasoption('facebook', 'url')
  <a href="@option('facebook', 'url')" target="_blank">
    @hasoption('facebook', 'icon')
      <span class="icon">
        <i class="fas @option('facebook', 'icon')"></i>
      <span class="label">Facebook</span>

# @isoption

@isoption is a simple conditional for checking if your theme option field equals a specified value. It can be closed using @endoption.

@isoption('logo_type', 'image')
  <img src="@option('logo')" alt="{{ get_bloginfo('name', 'display') }}" />

If the option you are checking against is an array, you can pass the array key as a second parameter and the value you are checking against as a third parameter:

@isoption('logo', 'type', 'image')
  <img src="@option('logo', 'url')" alt="{{ get_bloginfo('name', 'display') }}" />

# @options

@options acts as a helper for handling repeater and group fields within' your theme options. Under the hood, it is essentially the exact same as @fields and @group except it automatically has the theme options ID 'option' passed to it. It can be closed using @endoptions.

  <ul class="social">
        <a href="@sub('url')" target="_blank">
            <span class="icon">
              <i class="fas fa-@sub('icon')"></i>

# @hasoptions

@hasoptions is a simple conditional checking if a parent field from your theme options (such as Repeater or Flexible Content) has any rows of data to loop over. It can be closed using @endhasoptions
